Stock Movement
The Stock -> Stock movement page shows a financial report of the beginning stock balance, the ending stock balance, and detailed stock movements in any chosen period.
Click on a number to see a detailed report, how it's calculated.
In the detailed reports of any category:
- Click Choose columns to choose which columns to display.
- Drag the columns to rearrange them.
- Click List to see all transactions line-by-line.
- Click Sum per stock item to see all transactions summed by stock item.
- The tables can be searched and filtered (see Usage tips for wildcards).
There are the following categories:
- Beginning - the beginning value of stock in the period.
- Beginning WIP (materials) - materials, which were used in Manufacturing Orders, which were in-progress on the period beginning date.
- Not included in the beginning balance. - Inward - the sum total of the costs of goods that have been added to the stock during the period:
- Purchases - goods that were bought and received during the period.
- Adjustments - manual positive adjustments to inventory.
- Manufactured - products that were manufactured during the period.
- Cost of materials - materials cost in the manufactured products.
- Applied overhead cost - applied overhead cost in the manufactured products.
- Labor cost - labor cost in the manufactured products.
- Manufactured = Cost of materials + Applied overhead cost + Labor cost
- Outward - sum total cost of goods that have been deducted from the stock during the period:
- Sales - products that have been shipped to customers;
- Write-offs - manual negative adjustments to inventory
- Sums by manual write-off types (sub-categories) are shown separately; - Used in manufacturing - raw materials that have been consumed during the period.
- Ending - the ending value of stock in the period.
- Ending = Beginning + Inward - Outward - Ending WIP (materials) - materials, which were used in Manufacturing Orders, which were in-progress on the period ending date.
- Not included in the ending balance.