
HubSpot is a powerful CRM system that offers great capabilities for managing your sales process. HubSpot and MRPeasy can work seamlessly together via Zapier so that sales are handled in HubSpot and production, inventory, purchasing management, and order fulfillment are handled in MRPeasy.

How do you import deals from HubSpot to MRPeasy?

Integration between HubSpot and MRPeasy must be configured in Zapier.

Integration between HubSpot and MRPeasy

1. Set up the trigger

  1. Choose the HubSpot app and select the event Updated Deal Stage.
  2. Select your HubSpot account.
  3. Select the pipeline and stage.
Find deal in HubSpot

2. Load customer details

2.1. First, it is necessary to get the ID of the client's company.

  1. Choose the app HubSpot and select the action Find Associations.
  2. Select your HubSpot account.
  3. Enter the ID of the object you want to search: Deal ID.
  4. Select the type of the object: Deal.
  5. Select the number of associations: One.
  6. Select the object being associated: Company.
Get list of products in the deal

2.2. Next, get company details.

  1. Choose the app HubSpot and select the action Find Company.
  2. Select your HubSpot account.
  3. Enter the first search property name Company information: Record ID (hs_object_id).
  4. Enter the first search property value Deal to Company.
Get company details in HubSpot

3. Get the list of products

3.1. First, getting the IDs of the products is necessary.

  1. Choose the app HubSpot and select the action Find Associations.
  2. Select your HubSpot account.
  3. Enter the ID of the object you want to search: Deal ID.
  4. Select the type of the object: Deal.
  5. Select the number of associations: One.
  6. Select the object being associated: Line Item.
Get list of products in the deal

3.2. Next, prepare IDs of products to request product details.

  1. Choose the app Code by Zapier and select the action Run Javascript.
  2. Enter the input data line_items: Deal To Line Item
  3. Ask for code from MRPeasy Support by opening a support ticket.
Get IDs of products

3.3. Load product details.

  1. Choose the app HubSpot and select the action Find Line_item in HubSpot.
  2. Select your HubSpot account.
  3. Enter the first search property name Record ID (hs_object_id).
  4. Enter the first search property value Hs Line Id.
Load products

3.4. Temporarily save details of all products.

  1. Choose the app Code by Zapier and select the action Run Javascript.
  2. Enter the input data
    sku: Line item information: SKU
    quantity: Price: Quantity
    price: Price: Net price
    deal_id: Deal ID
    line_item_ids: Deal to Line Item
  3. Ask for code from MRPeasy Support by opening a support ticket.
  4. In Code, enter a unique STORE_KEY. Please copy a unique UUID version 4 from
Save loaded products

3.5. Pass products to the next stage.

  1. Choose the app Filter by Zapier.
  2. Configure the following condition: Only continue if ID exists.
Pass products to MRPeasy

4. Create a customer order

  1. Choose the app MRPeasy and select the action Create Customer Order.
  2. Select your MRPeasy account.
  3. Enter the input data:
    Reference: Deal information: Deal Name
    Customer Name: if you want to import customer details, use Company information: Name. If you want to import orders anonymously, please enter any text (e.g. HubSpot customer).
    Shipping - Company: Company information: Name
    Shipping - Street Line 1: Company information: Street Address
    Shipping - Street Line 2: Company information: Street Address 2
    Shipping - City: Company information: City
    Shipping - State: Company information: State/Region
    Shipping - Postal Code: Company information: Postal Code
    Shipping - Country Code: Company information: Country/Region
    Shipping - Phone: Company information: Phone Number
    Lines - SKU: Lines Sku
    Lines - Quantity: Lines Quantity
    Lines - Total Price: Lines Price
Create a customer order in MRPeasy

When testing the Zap in the Zapier test environment, please note:

  • If the HubSpot test deal has multiple lines, the first line of the deal will be repeated in MRPeasy test CO as often as there are products in the deal. This is OK. This is a feature of the Zapier test environment. 
  • Please enable this ZAP and create a new deal in Hubspot to test the live environment. You should then receive a correct customer order in MRPeasy. 
  • It may take up to 15 minutes before MRPeasy receives the deal from HubSpot and Zapier.

Update a customer order

Set up another ZAP using the "Update Customer Order" action instead of "Create Customer Order." In both ZAPs, be sure to pass the same order number in the "Customer Order Number" field (not "Reference") to update the correct order.

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