Manufacturing Order Details

The Production planning -> Manufacturing Orders -> MO details is the administrative view of the Manufacturing Order that allows to see all the details and edit them.

Jump to a topic:

  1. Reporting MO progress: 
    1. Operation start-stop and consumption of materials.
    2. Manufacturing order quantity.
    3. Editing operations, assigning workers.
    4. Updating the routing.
    5. Booking, adding, or removing materials.
    6. Updating the BOM.
    7. Finalizing MO, or finish production as planned.
    8. Returning finished MO to production.
    9. Tracking serial numbers of parts and products.
    10. Subcontracting, outsourced operations.
    11. Reporting scrap, wastage.
    12. Notes, warnings, red flags.
    13. Operation time tracker.
    14. Printing MO PDF, label, job traveler, materials requisition sheet.
  2. Rescheduling MOs.
  3. Removing MO from the schedule.
  4. Approving or releasing a manufacturing order for production.
  5. Multi-level manufacturing orders. 
    1. What is a multi-level MO?
    2. Overproduction of sub-assembly.
    3. Sorting of assemblies and operations.
    4. Displayed cost of nested assemblies.
    5. Co-products in a multi-level MO.
  6. Calculation of operation duration.
  7. Calculation of manufacturing overhead, labor, and materials cost.
  8. Troubleshooting.

Reporting consumption of materials and progress of operations

Reporting as a manager

To access the reporting view:

  1. Open the MO from the Production planning section.
  2. Click on Go to production.
  3. You can report the consumption of materials and the progress of operations.

Reporting as a worker

Workers can use one of the two reporting views:

  1. My production plan.
  2. Internet-kiosk.

Operations need to be explicitly assigned to the users, or they must be part of the assigned department.

Changing the Manufacturing Order quantity

The total quantity of the MO can be changed

  1. by the production manager at Production planning -> Manufacturing Orders -> MO details page anytime.
  2. by the worker who is reporting in My production plan, when reporting the finish of the last operation.

If the quantity is changed before the MO is started:

  • Required materials and operations are completely recalculated according to the BOM and routing.
  • Parts are automatically booked, if available.
  • Operations are rescheduled.
    • If MO quantity is decreased (duration of operations decreases), the operations are scheduled starting from the "Start" time of the first operation. I.e. generally, the start time of the MO should remain in place.
    • If MO quantity is increased (duration of operations increases):
      • If the "Due date" is undefined, the operations are scheduled by finding the first available time in the schedule starting from the current time. I.e. it is likely that the MO start time will become earlier.
      • If the "Due date" is defined, and Backward scheduling (Enterprise feature) is available, the operations are scheduled to finish as late as possible before the due date. I.e. it is likely that the MO start time will change, while the finish time will stay in place.
  • The quantity of the target lot is updated.

If the quantity is changed after the MO is started, or if it is already finished:

Adding, booking, and removing materials

Editing the required materials

The production manager can edit the materials of the MO in the Parts section at Production planning -> Manufacturing Orders -> MO details page.

To add a new part, press the Add a booking in the top right corner of the Parts list.

To increase or reduce a quantity, press the Increase booking or Return to stock buttons at the end of a material line.

Before the MO is started, it is possible to push a BOM update to the MO.

When Tracing is enabled:

  • To remove a material, press Return to stock on the line with the “Not booked” status. If the material is fully booked from stock lots, as a first step, you must unbook it.
  • Press Book all parts, above the Materials list, to book items from any available stock lots.
  • Press Release all booked parts, above the Materials list, to unbook all booked materials.
    • Consumed materials will not be affected.
  • You can mass (re)book materials of all planned MOs at once to book materials.
Consuming materials from stock

Materials can be reported consumed in My production plan in real-time.

  • As a manager, press Go to production to access it.

Booked materials will be automatically reported consumed, when the last operation in the Internet-kiosk is reported finished.

Editing operations, assigning workers or departments

Editing operations

The Operations section of a manufacturing order contains a list of the manufacturing operations, where it is possible to assign workers or departments and edit each operation.

For editing an operation:

  1. Open the Manufacturing Order.
  2. Scroll down to the Operations section.
  3. Click "View/Edit" to see and edit the operation details.
Editing assigned workers

When a new MO is created, the workers are assigned according to default settings.

For changing the worker on an operation:

  1. Open the Manufacturing Order.
  2. Find the operation in the Operations section.
  3. Change the Worker, using the drop-down menu.
  4. If you wish to assign another additional worker to the same operation, then edit the operation and click "Add worker".

Finalizing the manufacturing order

To change the MO status to finished, open the MO and either:

  1. Press Go to production and then Finish production.
    • At least one operation must be started and finished to press Finish production.
  2. Press Finish production as planned.

Note that:

  • If the last operation is completed in the Internet-kiosk, the MO is finished automatically.
  • In the My production plan, the worker must press Finish production separately - as an extra step -, after finishing the last operation. 
    • The worker cannot press Finish production if the whole manufacturing order is not assigned to him/her.
Finish production as planned

In the MO details page, it is possible to finish the MO with one click.

After you click Finish production as planned:

  • The Manufacturing Order is marked finished (status Done) even if operations have not been reported, or some materials have not been booked.
  • All booked materials will be automatically consumed. If some required materials were not booked, the software adds a flag Important notice and a Note to the order.
  • All unreported operations:
    • With planned times in the past, will be marked as reported according to their estimated times.
    • With planned times in the future, will be scheduled backward from button press time. For all such operations, the finish time will be the button press time, and the duration will match the planned duration.
  • Finished products will be available in stock.
Returning a finished manufacturing order to production

If the manufacturing order was marked finished by error, for returning the order to production:

  1. Open the Manufacturing Order.
  2. Press the Return to production button at the bottom of the Manufacturing Order details page.

Required user rights:

  • This button is visible only to users with the "Lock handler" right.

Reporting scrap, wastage

How scrap should be reported and treated is an organizational decision of your company. Please find general guidelines below:

  1. Scrapped products.
  2. Scrapped parts, wastage.
Scrapped products

Finished products are scrapped and will not be taken to stock:

  • When reporting the number of made products, report only the number of good products.
  • If you plan to finish the MO with the same quantity, you may need to add extra materials.
  • If you need to finish the MO short:
    • The MO quantity can be changed anytime in the administrative view of the MO.
    • In My production plan, if the worker reports under-( or over)production the MO quantity can be updated automatically.
  • The cost of the scrapped parts will be accounted for in the cost of good products.

Finished products are scrapped and will be taken to stock:

There are two options:

A) Use the "Quality Control" functionality to reject scrapped products after MO finish:

B) Use the "Co-product BOM" functionality to place rejected products in stock immediately:

  • Create a separate item in stock for the scrapped finished products. Add this item to the BOM of the finished product in the "Additional products" section.
  • When reporting the number of made products:
    • Report only the number of good products.
    • Additionally, as the additional product quantity which is asked, report the number of scrapped products. These will be placed in stock immediately.
  • The cost of the scrapped product can be controlled with the cost allocation percentage in the BOM of the finished product. 
Scrapped parts, wastage

If scrapped parts will not be taken to stock:

  • Consume the scrapped part in the MO.
  • If necessary, add extra materials from stock to replace the scrapped part.
  • The cost of scrapped parts will be reflected in the cost of the finished products.

If the scrapped part should be returned to stock and written off:

If the scrapped part will be taken to stock for further processing, use the "Co-product BOM" functionality to place it in stock immediately:

  • Create a separate item in stock for the scrapped part. Add this item to the BOM of the finished product in the "Additional products" section.
  • When reporting the number of made products, also report the number of scrapped parts. These will be placed in stock immediately.
  • The cost of the scrapped part can be controlled with the cost allocation percentage in the BOM of the finished product.

Notes and warnings

It is possible to enter Notes regarding a manufacturing order at the bottom of the MO details page, which is accessible:

  • for the manager, from the Production planning section.
  • for the worker, from the My production plan section.

Important notes (incl. warnings from MRPeasy):

  • Are shown with an Important flag Important notice in Production planning -> Manufacturing Orders and My production plan -> List view tables. 
  • Are shown with a thick blue border inside the MO details in the Notes section.

Time tracker working principles

The production workers report when they start, pause, and finish operations, according to which the manufacturing time is tracked.

If an operation is not paused at the end of a workday:

  • If it is paused or finished by the worker after hours, the full time from start to finish is considered.
    - Working hours are 9 am to 5 pm. The operation started at 10 am one day and finished at 6 pm the same day. The working time is 8 hours.
  • It will be paused automatically by the system during the night (between 1 am and 3 am). In this case, the finish time is set to the work day's end.
    Working hours are 9 am to 5 pm. The operation is started at 10 am one day and paused by the system at 1 am the next day. The working time is 7 hours.
    - Note that an operation will not be paused automatically if there is no pause between two working days.
  • If the operation starts during one workday and ends in another day's working hours, the non-working hours are ignored in the total time calculation.
    Working hours are 9 am to 5 pm. The operation started at 10 am one day and finished at 10 am the next day. The working time is 8 hours.

Multi-level Manufacturing Order

What is a multi-level MO?

When sub-assemblies are not available in stock, MRPeasy automatically nests the production of these under the same Manufacturing Order.

If the manufacturing order is multi-level:

  • The materials and operations are grouped by assemblies (i.e. by BOMs and Routings).
  • If a sub-assembly does not have a routing, it is considered as a collection of parts (it is a phantom assembly / a phantom BOM).
  • Component names are displayed in green if parts for it are ready (sub-assemblies from the same MO are finished). Otherwise, the component name is displayed in red.

Important notes:

  • If the MO product is a kit (a bundle, an auto-assembly product), a multi-level MO is never created.
  • If Packing functionality is used, and the MO contains packaging material, then if the packaging material is not in stock, and the packaging has a BOM, a multi-level MO will not be created for manufacturing the packaging item.

Overproduction of sub-assemblies in a multi-level MO

All sub-assemblies produced within a multi-level MO are considered as consumed in the finished product.

For making sub-assemblies to stock in excess, the following approaches can be used:

  • To prevent the situation, you could make the MO for the sub-assembly in advance. In such a case, it will not be nested into the MO of the upper-level product, and excess quantities will go to stock.
  • In case the MO is in progress already, use one of the following approaches:
    a) For the overproduced quantity, make a separate MO (and e.g. click the "Finish production as planned" button to put these to stock immediately).
    b) For the overproduced quantity, find another existing MO, where these are also produced, and report these units as produced.
    c) Use the Co-product BOM functionality to take excess subassemblies to stock.

Sorting of sub-assemblies and operations

The order in which the assemblies and their parts are displayed depends on the order into which they are sorted as a preparation before the production operations are scheduled.

All assemblies, which must be produced, are sorted as follows:

  1. First, according to the level in the BOM. The lower level assemblies are first.
    • This means that the scheduling process will start with these first.
    • Direct parts of the product are level 1, components of these are level 2, etc. A higher number is a lower level.
    • If the part's sequence number in BOM is, its level is 4.
  2. Second, according to the sequence number of the part in the BOM at that level. The lowest numbers are first.
    • If the part's full sequence number in BOM is, its sequence number at this level is 10.
    • Part is before part

For example, if the BOM is as follows:

Sequence nr in BOM Part Level in BOM Sequence nr at this level of BOM
1 A 1
2 B 1 1
2.1 B1 2
2.2 B2 2 2
2.2.1 B21 3 1
3 C 1 3
3.1 C1 2
3.2 C2 2

The displayed order of assemblies and operations will be the following in the MO:

# Sequence nr in BOM Part Level in BOM Sequence nr at this level of BOM
1 2.2.1 B21 3 1
2 2.1 B1 2 1
3 3.1 C1 2 1
4 2.2 B2 2 2
5 3.2 C2 2 2
6 Not applicable The product of MO Not applicable

Displayed cost of nested assemblies

It is important to note the following:

  • All costs of components, labor, and subassemblies are added directly to the costs of the MO (to the cost of the upper-level product).
  • The cost of an item that is produced in the same MO:
    • Is not included on the used part's total line (the upper line), where it is consumed.
    • Below that line, in the line which refers to its source ("Manufacturing Order ..."), it is displayed as the sum of procured items it's directly made of (excludes any of its subassemblies' costs).
  • The quantity of a subassembly that is produced in the same MO:
    • Is displayed next to the assembly title, under which all its parts are listed.
    • Is not included on the used part's total line (the upper line), where it is consumed. Below this line, which tells its source ("Manufacturing Order ...") the quantity is marked as consumed.


Manufacturing Order MO-0001
Total materials cost of MO: $150 + $100 + $0 + $150 + $100 + $25 = $525 This is the sum of all parts' total lines. This equals the cost of all lines with Lot numbers, i.e. this is the cost of all used materials from stock.
Subassembly A 25 pcs       The quantity of the assembly is displayed next to the heading of the assembly.
Stock item Quantity Total cost Unit cost Lot Subassembly A is made of procured parts.
Part A1 100 pcs $150 $1.50   This is a procured item.
  50 pcs $50 $0.5 L0001  
  50 pcs $100 $1 L0002  
Part A2 100 pcs $100 $100   This is a procured item.
  100 pcs $100 $100 L0003  
Subassembly B 1 pcs       Subassembly B is made of Subassembly A and another procured part.
Stock item Quantity Total cost Unit cost Lot  
Subassembly A 0 pcs $0 $0   The cost and quantity of Subassembly A produced in this MO is not included in the total line here.
  25 pcs $250 $10 Manufacturing Order MO-0001 This cost is the cost of procured items in the parts list of Subassembly A.
Part B1 1 pcs $150 $150   This is a procured item.
  1 pcs $150 $150 L0004  
The product of MO 1 pcs       The product of the MO is made of Subassembly B and another procured part.
Stock item Quantity Total cost Unit cost   The cost and quantity of Subassembly B produced in this MO is not included in the total line of Subassembly B here.
But the cost and quantity of the second piece of Subassembly B, which is taken from stock (produced in a different MO), is included here.
Subassembly B 1 pcs $100 $100  
  1 pcs $150 $150 Manufacturing Order MO-0001 This cost is the cost of procured items in the parts list of Subassembly B.
  1pcs $100 $100 L0005 This is manufactured in another MO
Part C1 1 pcs $25 $25   This is a procured item
  1 pcs $25 $25 L0006  


Printing documents

Jump to:

  1. Print Manufacturing Order PDF.
  2. Print materials requisition sheet PDF.
  3. Print MO label.
Printing the manufacturing order, job traveler

Manufacturing orders can be printed in four versions:

  1. PDF wide on the MO details page.
  2. PDF medium on the MO details page.
  3. PDF narrow on the MO details page.
  4. PDF from My production plan:
    1. Click on the Go to production, or go to My production plan and open the MO.
    2. Print the PDF.


  • The MO PDF layouts can be configured in the PDF Editor.
  • The MO PDFs contain unique MO, sub-assembly, and operation barcodes if the Barcode System functionality is enabled.
Manufacturing Order label, barcode

It is possible to print labels to identify physical items from different manufacturing orders. The labels can be printed by clicking Print label in the upper right corner of the Manufacturing order details page.

The size, information, and layout of the label can be edited with the Label editor.

The standard label contains the unique manufacturing order barcode if the Barcode System functionality is enabled.


Error message: "This manufacturing order cannot be canceled because items from its target lot have been consumed.".

Explanation: This means that products that were made from this MO are used somewhere already (e.g. shipped, written off, consumed in another MO...).

Resolution: The consumption of the products must be undone before the MO can be deleted.

  1. Open the Manufacturing Order.
  2. Click on the Target lot number.
  3. Open the Reports of the lot.
  4. Select the report "Bookings".
  5. Find and edit the lines where some items are consumed.
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