Customer Order Details

The CRM -> Customer orders -> Customer order details page shows the detailed information about a customer order.

Jump to:

  1. Demo video: Customer Orders.
  2. CO workflows: 
    1. Stages of working with a Customer Order.
    2. Estimate costs and lead time.
    3. Create invoices / Quotations / Order confirmations.
    4. Record payments.
    5. Book products.
    6. Ship products.
    7. Import a Customer Order.
  3. Special situations:
    1. Kits and bundles.
    2. Bespoke make-to-order products, unique items, one-time purchases.
    3. Non-inventory items for services.
  4. Customer Order reports.
  5. Cost and profit calculation.
  6. Customer Order statuses.
  7. Product statuses.

Stages of working with a Customer Order

  1. Create a Customer Order, and save the order information.
  2. If necessary, issue a quotation, an order confirmation.
    • Created the documents in the CO section named Invoices / Quotations.
    • Note that the Customer Order PDF is not a document for the customer. This is an internal document.
    • You can use the "Estimate costs and dates" function to calculate the cost and lead time of the products and add a sales markup.
    • You can pre-define a selling price for each item, or use pricelists if you have standard pricing.
  3. At any time, according to your agreement with the customer.
    • Created the invoices in the CO section named Invoices / Quotations.
    • You can record that you received a payment inside the invoice.
    • If you want to invoice a shipment, Click Create an Invoice button on a Shipment's line in the CO.
  4. Confirm the order and book the products:
    • Change the customer order status to Confirmed.
    • If available items are in stock or expected to arrive, book (reserve) these.
    • If there are no available items in stock, raise demand, or generate Manufacturing Orders and/or Purchase Orders.
  5. Plan a Shipment and pick the products. 
    • To plan a shipment, create a new Shipment in the CO section named Shipments.
    • From the shipment, you can create the Waybill, Picking list, and Packing list.
    • To ship products, report them picked in the Shipment.

Estimating costs and delivery date

To estimate the cost of products and the dates when they could be ready:

  1. Create and Save the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Estimate costs and dates button inside the Customer Order.
  3. Choose from where to Take item cost:
    • From stock - consider the available stock levels first (using FIFO; or FEFO, for perishable goods), for any missing goods manufacturing and procurement activities will be simulated.
    • From vendor - do not consider stock levels, manufacturing and procurement activities will be simulated.
  4. Enter the desired Markup to calculate the sales price.
  5. Click the Estimate costs and dates button, the sales price and estimated earliest production finish date is calculated for each item.
  6. Click Show details to investigate the detailed cost breakdown for every product by materials, manufacturing overhead, and labor cost.

If item costs are taken from stock, then:

  • The software first tries to simulate fulfilling the order with the available inventory, both on-hand and expected.
  • For any items - procured or manufactured -, which are available in stock, the cost is taken from stock (FIFO or FEFO).
  • For any manufactured products, if these are not in stock, the software simulates creating Manufacturing Orders.
  • For any purchased items, if these are not in stock (incl. out-of-stock raw materials for simulated MOs), the cost is the price of the highest priority purchase term. When there are several purchase terms with the same priority, the lowest price is used.
  • This means that the same item can be listed several times with a different cost, as the cost source may be different.

If item costs are taken from vendors, then:

  • For manufactured products, the software simulates creating Manufacturing Orders
  • For all purchased items (incl. all raw materials for simulated MOs), the cost is the price of the highest priority purchase term. When there are several purchase terms with the same priority, the lowest price is used.

Important notes:

  • If items are already booked to the CO, their actual cost will be used for the estimate. The cost will be taken from the booked stock lot, source Manufacturing Order, etc. The selection "Take item cost" will have no effect.
  • When the costs or dates cannot be calculated, then some associated Purchase Terms and/or BOMs and Routings are missing or need updating (e.g. when an article has been deleted but is still listed in a BOM).

Reasons for differences in estimated and actual costs

Please note that the estimated cost and actual cost may differ once all products are booked, and also once all production activities have been finished.

Also, the cost of the same product may vary. For example, in real life, products that are separately manufactured will usually have different costs if accurately calculated:

  • There is variability in materials costs.
  • There is variability in manufacturing time, workers, and workstations, which results in different direct labor and applied overhead costs.
  • There is variability in waste, which also changes materials costs.

Bookings products to the customer order

Booking products to the customer order with Tracing disabled

To allocate products to the order, change the customer order status to Confirmed. After this:

  1. demand is generated for the goods,
  2. all received and planned goods are reallocated between all confirmed orders,
  3. updated product status is shown,
  4. and the customer order status is updated accordingly.

Booking products to the customer order with Tracing enabled

Note: the following sections correspond only to Software settings -> Tracing = Yes.

Jump to:

  1. Check stock levels and book the products for the order.
  2. Make to order (MTO), automatically create 1 Manufacturing Order per 1 CO line.
  3. Automatically create Purchase Orders.
  4. Create demand for products, create 1 Manufacturing Order per several COs.
  5. Manually book items, create PO, create MO.
  6. Cancel or modify bookings for a customer order.

Checking stock and booking products to the customer order

Before you can ship products to a customer, you need to reserve the products for this particular order, either from stock (if you make-to-stock) or from future production (if you make-to-order).

Demo video: How to book Products for a Customer Order.

To see availability and book products for a customer order:

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. You will see the inventory levels of all items in the order.
  4. Click Book all items.
  5. Available goods, in stock and expected, will be booked to the CO (FIFO; or FEFO for perishable goods).

To automatically create Manufacturing Orders (MOs) for this CO, if you make to order:

This will result in a 1-to-1 connection between the CO line item and MO. If you wish to consolidate several COs into one MO, see the section about creating internal demand for products.

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. Check option Create MOs for missing products.
  4. Click Book all items.
  5. Manufacturing orders will be created:
    • If products are not available in stock nor expected.
    • Separately for each CO line.
    • By default, using Forward scheduling.
    • If the software setting "Backward scheduling = Yes", then the MO is scheduled using Backward scheduling from the Delivery date, in order to finish as late as possible before it.
    • If the product has several BOMs, BOM is automatically selected alphabetically according to its number.
    • If the BOM has several connected routings, the routing with the earliest finish date is selected.
    • If the CO quantity is less than the item's minimum quantity for manufacturing, the MO quantity will be increased automatically.
    • If the product is not marked as purchased, does not have a BOM, but is part of a disassembly BOM, a disassembly manufacturing order is created.

To automatically create Purchase Orders (PO):

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. Check option Create MOs for missing products.
  4. Check option Create POs for missing parts.
  5. Click Book all items.
  6. As a result, if some items are not available nor expected:
    • All required Manufacturing Orders will be created.
    • All required Purchase Orders will be created, including materials for just created MOs.

To create demand for products:

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. Click Book all items.
  4. As a result, all available products will be booked, and for the products which could not be booked:
    • At Stock -> Items, the Available quantity of these items will become negative.
    • MOs can be scheduled from Stock -> Critical on-hand page (if "Reorder point" for items is defined), in which case the products will be automatically booked to the CO.
    • POs can be created from Procurement -> Procurement Critical on-hand (if "Reorder point" for items is defined) or Procurement -> Requirements, in which case the products will be automatically booked to the CO.

To manually book items:

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. Click Book manually and you will be taken to the "Add a booking" page.
  4. Optionally, use respective buttons to:
    • Create a new PO.
    • Create a new MO.
    • Create a new manual stock lot.
  5. On the "Add a booking" page, find the desired available stock lot, and fill in the quantity you wish to book from it.
  6. Save.

Cancel or modify bookings for a customer order

Note: this article corresponds only to Software settings -> Tracing = Yes.

To cancel bookings for a customer order:

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click the Check stock and book items button.
  3. Click Cancel bookings on a products line, or Cancel all bookings.
  4. Bookings will be deleted if products are not shipped.

If some products are shipped and the customer cancels the rest of the order, then, if products were booked, the extra bookings must be released:

  • By changing the quantity of the CO to reflect the actually delivered quantity.
  • Or by manually modifying the bookings in the Customer Order's report "Bookings".

If products are already shipped (from the wrong stock lot) and bookings must be canceled (or modified):

To manually modify bookings for a customer order:

  1. Open the Customer Order.
  2. Click on Reports.
  3. Modify bookings in the report "Bookings". You can:
    • delete bookings.
    • change stock lots from which goods are booked.
    • increase or decrease the quantity of booked goods.

Cost and profit

The profit is calculated as the difference between the sales price on the Customer Order and the actual cost of the product.

When products have not yet been booked:

  • The cost and profit can be estimated with the Estimate costs and dates functionality. Otherwise, if that functionality is not used, cost and profit will not be shown until products are booked.

Once bookings for products have been made:

  • The software tracks the actual cost of the product by using stock lot tracking.
  • For example:
    • The cost of a purchased item is the actual purchase price, plus any additional PO fees and/or transfer fees, which have been applied to it.
    • You can manually create a stock lot (and define its cost), which also happens when you manually update inventory levels.
    • From a Manufacturing Order, the cost of a manufactured product is calculated by adding up the following costs:
      • the sum total of materials costs of the Manufacturing order (i.e. Materials cost);
      • the sum total of operation costs (i.e. manufacturing overhead cost);
      • the sum total of labor costs for performing the manufacturing operations (i.e. Labor cost).

Import from CSV

When creating a new customer order, it is possible to import a list of sold items from a CSV file:

  1. Go to CRM -> Customer Orders, and add a new customer order.
  2. Before saving the new CO, you can import the list of products from CSV. The import button is in the top right corner of the products table.
  3. Check the "The first row is heading" option if the first row contains headers and should not be imported. 
  4. For each column, select the correct type of data from the dropdown menus above the columns.
  5. Click Import to upload the data.
  6. If importing of some rows failed, the rows which could not be imported will be displayed.

The file must be no longer than 200 lines and can contain the following columns:

Part number* The part number of the stock item that is sold. Required.
Quantity Total quantity.
Price Price per unit.
Discount The discount % of the item.
Free text The free text description that is displayed below the stock item.
Delivery date The delivery date of the line.

Example data table, importing 2 products onto the Customer Order:

Part number Quantity Price Discount Free text
A00001 10 50   Pack by 2
A00002 100 5 10  
(Up to 200 lines can be imported at once)

Important notes:

  • Other CO information should be added manually before the import.
  • The file must not be longer than 200 lines.
  • What is CSV? CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a universal format for importing or exporting tabular data. A CSV file can be obtained by saving/exporting e.g. an Excel file as CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).
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