Unscheduled Manufacturing Orders
In MRPeasy, it is possible to manage manufacturing orders which are not in the production schedule yet, and shouldn’t book workstations.
- How to use drag and drop scheduling for unscheduled manufacturing orders in Gantt charts.
- How to remove orders from the schedule and add them back.
- How to create unscheduled manufacturing orders
User Manual: Unscheduled Manufacturing Orders
With MRPeasy Professional edition and the “unscheduled manufacturing orders” functionality, it is possible to manage manufacturing orders which are not in the production schedule yet, and shouldn’t book workstations.
In the production schedule Gantt chart, orders can be removed from the schedule, and then can be dragged back to a new time.
Inside the manufacturing order, there are buttons for removing an order from the schedule and for automatically scheduling it.
And, when creating a new manufacturing order, you can check the option “do not book workstations” for creating an unscheduled order right away.
The “unscheduled manufacturing orders” function can be enabled at section “settings – system settings – professional functions.”