Production planning Production Routing – Definitions, Tips, and Examples Manufacturing routing is a process as well as a document that standardizes, describes, and sequences manufacturing operations so that the product is manufactured as efficiently as possible. Effective routings can contribute to reduced costs, improved quality, accurate production planning, and the streamlined use of production resources. By Madis Kuuse 11 min read
Production planning Discrete vs. Process Manufacturing – How Do They Differ? Discrete manufacturing implies producing distinct items that require assembly along a production line. Process manufacturing, on the other hand, produces goods by mixing or combining raw materials in a manufacturing process. In this article, we will explore key differences between the two manufacturing types and look at examples of each. By Mattias Turovski 8 min read
Manufacturing TipsProduction planningSales Mass Customization – A Viable Option for Small Manufacturers Mass customization is a mixed manufacturing mode with characteristics from both mass production and make-to-order production modes. Modern software solutions such as product configurators make mass customization available even to small manufacturers. By Madis Kuuse 9 min read
Manufacturing TipsProduction planning What Is Cellular Manufacturing? Cellular manufacturing is a production organization method that consists of arranging the shop floor in a way that would accommodate the greatest efficiency. Here are its basic premises, benefits, and disadvantages. By Madis Kuuse 14 min read
Production planning What Are Contract Manufacturing and Toll Manufacturing? Contract manufacturing and toll manufacturing are the preferred ways of doing business for many companies, large and small. In this post, we take a look at what they are and how they differ. By Karl H Lauri 8 min read
Choosing a SoftwareManufacturing TipsProduction planning Production Planning with Excel – Opportunities and Limitations Excel and other spreadsheet applications have been used in production planning for decades. Even though they are a viable first-step solution for micro-companies, a growing business should already look for something more scalable. By Madis Kuuse 9 min read
Manufacturing TipsProduction planning Production Optimization – A Simple Guide for SMEs The realm of production optimization is as diverse as there are different manufacturing workflows. Optimizations can range from changing inventory and warehouse layouts to adopting machine learning and advanced AI. In this post, we look at the basics of production optimization with a focus on how small manufacturers can optimize their processes. By Mattias Turovski 10 min read
AccountingManufacturing TipsProduction planning Total Manufacturing Cost – What is it and How to Calculate it? Total manufacturing cost is an essential metric for understanding the profitability of a business. It can be used to adjust the selling price of your products, identify and cut expenses, and calculate other key metrics like the Cost of Goods Manufactured. In this post, we explore total manufacturing cost and its utility to manufacturers. By Madis Kuuse 10 min read
InventoryProduction planningSales How to Manage Product Variants in Manufacturing? Product variants are versions of products with variations in attributes such as color, size, material, features, pricing, etc. Even though selling a product with variants is quite clear-cut, managing their production can be a real headache. By Madis Kuuse 9 min read